- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Inside Joker's Funhouse
You wake up with a throbbing head. Slowly you open your eyes to adjust to the vibrant lights that wash over your aching body. Your head is heavy but with some effort you manage to lift it.
Where are you? And why are you here? You hear dark menacing laughter and instinctively reach for your side. When your hand meets nothing but the clothes you have on you freeze. What do you hope to accomplish anyway? You have nothing to defend yourself with. You don't have any sort of training anyway...right? You have no idea. That thought makes your blood run cold and suddenly your heart is beating a mile a minute. You realize that your location isn't the only thing you don't know, but you also have no recollection as to who you are. You sit there trying to ignore the maddening music that was floating in from a broken window and wrack your brain for answers.
The only thing you can remember is crazed laughter and something about a 'game' being all in good fun. You have no idea what that means but you know it doesn't sound reassuring. An unanticipated sense of dread and urgency seems to overwhelm you as a result. You are in danger, and you have a feeling it's just going to get worse.
The faint sound of some sort of radio jars you out of your thoughts. It doesn't matter who you are, you resolve, what matters now is that you need to survive. You rise to your feet and begin walking towards the sound of the barely audible two-way radio. The voices from the communication device sound familiar and you need the help. There's no way you can get out of here alone, at least not in your current state. But now that you think about it, you are alone...aren't you?
You swear you hear a young woman's soft humming echo around you and suddenly you aren't so sure.
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License details for "Inside Joker's Funhouse"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Circus Organ (Distant) by beatnikhannah +)
- ambience_sewer_drip.1 by Evilface38 +)
- Dramatic choir 1.wav by jobro +)
- Uuuuh Choir by maerkunst from http://freesound.org +)
- Creepy Doom pad by Mariusz Jasionowicz - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- walkie talkie communication by Mixed - corsica-s freesound.org & Mariusz Jasionowicz - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- Evil Laughter by Robinhood76 from http://freesound.org +)
- Creaking Metal Soundscape by Speedenza from http://freesound.org +)
Image from: Virgile Loth